Sunday 7 September 2014

mr wanto soleh and budiman newbi angler and pakde yasin

this is photo  mr wanto soleh and budiman newbi angler and pakde yasin . This is a friendly fishing

Allan Januardy jak angler fish get baronang

Allan Januardy jak angler fish get baronang

jak angler's birthday

This is a photo of the birthday jak lucky angler on the island of Java .
This is a friendly fishing in jak angler


Saturday 6 September 2014

This is admin jak angler

This is a photo of the admin jak angler

I was fishing on the chart and I get a lot of fish baronang

This is a photo of my fishing time on the chart and I get a fish baronang


fery hasan get big snakehead fish cork

fery hasan get big snakehead fish cork  cuyyyy

the best of the best cuyyy

jak angler fishing community that is always compact

This is a photo jak angler fishing community that is always compact. a resounding yes. oi great

steady cuyyyyyy 

mantappp cuyyyy 


Achmad Fauzi big can snakehead fish

Achmad Fauzi big can snakehead fish

fishing results in Kemayoran

Dedy jak angler can fish snakehead

Dedy jak angler can fish snakehead
this is snakehead fish ....

The fish photo to friend pakde joko

budiman newbie angler strike fish

this is a foto budiman newbie angler strike fish many 

many many fish